The Creative Myth
The Creative Myth
Goal Setting for Creatives - Making Better Resolutions in the New Year
In this holiday special of the Creative Myth we look into goal setting for those with a creative disposition, just in time for all those new years resolutions! We discuss ways to make your goal-setting more effective, some tips and hacks for creative goal setters (how to make your goals more appealing and achievable) and share some of our goals for 2022 with you.
Hello beautiful people and welcome to the creative myth, the podcast that attempts to inspire the uninspired by unfolding breaking down and distilling that wonderful force of nature and or nurture known as creativity. Our goal to bust the myth that creativity is the birthright of the few. In each bi weekly episode, we find a new and engaging self confessed creative and strike up a dialogue. Otherwise surgenor And I sit down and discuss a topic that has something to do with creativity, and how it relates to our roles as artists, nomads and parents, we track down some of the most amazing creatives out there and find out just what creativity means to them what they do to encourage it in their lives, and how you might channel it into your passions. But who is we we are searching to sing and Benjamin Lane wife and husband, Indian Kiwi adventure photographers, international travellers and curious minds. You might know us as nomadic lovers of adventure tented photography, and if not, you can follow our adventures on Instagram at 10 photography and on a web page, Turner photography.com. Of course, don't forget to check out the creative myth on Instagram as well.
Unknown:So let's get started. Okay, I did it. I press the big red record button. We are
Sirjana Singh:live. Welcome, everyone. Welcome to this special episode of the creative man special episode.
Ben Lane:Where did that come
Sirjana Singh:from? It came from this whole talk about what are we going to do next year. And we resolved to be better human than a better version of ourselves and
Ben Lane:maybe get the podcast out a little more often.
Sirjana Singh:True, but we've been doing a lot. You've been packing the house single Yeah.
Unknown:Yeah, guys, we sold our house. Yes.
Sirjana Singh:Did we talk about it last?
Unknown:No, we didn't we that has yet to come. We talked about that with Jai long. He's in an upcoming episode. Season two. Right. Okay. In the meantime, this is a little special episode, right between the two seasons. Holiday Special. Mm hmm. A lot of people this time of year are talking about setting goals for 2022.
Sirjana Singh:And just like Ben has been backing the house single handedly. I've been tackling with sleep issues single handedly, with our seven month now seven month old son. So yes, forgive me for not remembering where we discussed our house selling but we sold our house. We are tying all the loose ends so that when we are travelling between different Airbnbs over the next few months,
Unknown:things don't fall apart. Why are we travelling to different Airbnbs?
Sirjana Singh:Because our new home is getting ready. We haven't seen announced where it is. So patience. But we will still be travelling for like three or four months. Yeah, between different air between
Unknown:get the keys. Yes, that's gonna be fun. But you guys don't want to hear all about that. No, not yet. No. We're here today to discuss something that is like everyone's talking about right now. The buzzword of the season holiday season resolution resolutions. Yeah. Yeah. And it's something that like, I don't know about you, but traditionally has been a little bit interesting as far as, like setting goals and staying creative. Yeah. For me, I've always felt like setting a goal is the antithesis to creativity. Sure. Like it's like, how can I be spontaneous and creative if I have this direction to go and But that said, we have some ideas. We have some ideas for all those other creatives out there who may be feeling that way. Yeah, yeah. Like, look at goals and
Sirjana Singh:go, Oh, God, I really enjoy this time of the year because I love setting goals. But by the middle of the year, just like midlife crisis, it comes a point it's a midlife sorry, media crisis where you're like, but this was the version I wanted to be. There's a huge gap between your ideal self and your real self. And that causes so much friction in day to day life, not just in your creative life, and just how you, you know, view yourself. And we spent a lot of time over the last few months making sure we do research on our own and interviewed other people who had interesting ideas about goal settings and setting goals in general.
Unknown:In life season two, the creative myth Podcast coming up soon.
Sirjana Singh:Yep. So we really wanted to come up with a simple plan that we can share with you that we will be exercising ourselves and then we can take you on our journey and hopefully give you ideas to set goals yourself.
Unknown:We're gonna check in every now and again this year, know how we're going and if we've had to tweak anything, anything needs to change
Sirjana Singh:hopefully every month. Let's see. That's the goal.
Unknown:That's the goal
Sirjana Singh:Okay, so every year around this time, like we said, we put our heads together and make promises to ourselves to become better version of selves, better version of ourselves, versions of ourselves. And you know, these promises like gift wrappers that we have all recently seen, like splayed across the Lounge floor. Uh huh. clutter our brains when not work towards making them come true.
Unknown:And like gift wrappers on the wrapping on the floor. after Christmas, it adds stress to pretty much everything we do. Clutter adds stress. Yeah. So let's let's just say that we're talking about clutter here caused by goals, right? So you can be cluttered life without goals. But with goals too,
Sirjana Singh:yes. Clutter comes from not knowing where things need to go right and not taking our time to put them in that right. So that's the same thing with goals love when we set goals which are incongruent, in concurrent, in, congruent, congruent, that's the word
Unknown:fancy, okay with
Sirjana Singh:our ourselves, our personalities, and we are setting it based on we want to be XYZ, and not understanding who we are actually, I think that causes a lot of drama in our life.
Unknown:Yeah, if you set a goal for yourself without any real thought to how you're going to do it, and how it relates to yourself, and what you need to do to get
Sirjana Singh:there or your way of living, or your lifestyle at the moment, it's like we want
Unknown:to read three hours a day is not going to happen for most people, right?
Sirjana Singh:The seven month old, not at all, it's not gonna happen, ya know? So when setting goals, we need to be aware of our lifestyles, our personalities, etc. And when we are not, it will cause clutter. And that clutter can lead to a lot of stress. And one of my biggest stresses of the last five months has been that I can't get that greste that I had set a goal for you know, a restful period every day. So I'm more stressed by not achieving that goal rather than actually not getting rest.
Unknown:Yeah. So that's the dangerous thing. And that's what we're here to talk about if we haven't made that clear already. Yeah, it is goal setting for creatives today, guys. One thing that I think is particularly important, I mean, there's a spectrum. I think some people who don't know the creative that's still there on that spectrum. But those are the firing of self identifying creatives. I'm yet to meet like one who was all the way there and is like onto it. Yeah. Now, I know they exist. You know, we hear about them. Is this the urban? The urban legends? Yeah, but yeah, but this is what we're gonna try to achieve. We want to become urgent urban legends this year. Yeah, yeah, we're gonna be two creatives, running a business having a little baby, little guy running. He started calling guys. He's gonna be running around very soon. And we're going to be smashing our goals,
Sirjana Singh:just like he's smashing our furniture. Yeah, for our creative lives, because it's essential that we set goals to grow ourselves, and how do we do it and do it better is what we're going to discuss now. The first thing that came up in my research was setting process goals. Rather than setting concrete goals,
Unknown:I found something similar. I think it was called systems. But let's hear what you got to say. Yeah, I
Sirjana Singh:think it's, it's exactly the same, it's just different name. So concrete goals, like losing five kilos, or reading X amount of books can be overwhelming in our busy lives, sometimes more challenging to figure out how to do it. And then procrastination, or plain D motivation sets in, which is why we are making it easy for our future selves. If we say I'm going to read for an hour before going to bed every day, rather than saying, I'm going to read three books this month.
Unknown:Okay, so what happens if you still read an hour every read like at my pace? So you don't get your three books a month?
Sirjana Singh:No. But you what you wanted to do, essentially, when you said I want to read three books, is that you want to be somebody who reads every day, right? So we start small, and we say we're going to read an hour every day. And after the end of a month, or a week or two weeks, whatever timeframe you want to set, you reassess, you see if that pace was fitting in your lifestyle, you reassess how it's fitting in with your learning goals, etc. And then you see if you can read two hours a day, or maybe actually, the fact that you are sitting down to read an hour a day is actually very beneficial to you. And that is enough. Yeah. So
Unknown:I think there's pretty similar to what I was what I was reading the the idea of a system is to make sure that you've got a goal, but then you have a way of getting to that goal. Exactly. Because you said I guess many goals.
Sirjana Singh:And this is what I'm finding as I am working towards becoming more healthy. Adventure season is upon us. We're going to be climbing a lot of mountains and doing a lot of, I don't know, a strenuous work, Gehring, all those cameras, etc. And I have to get in shape. And for the last, I don't know, five months I've been psyching myself up to exercise and recently we decided that I'm going to just dance on one song with Mahi every day. And that seems doable. And that seems like a stepping stone. And doing that is motivating me to do more. walk more. Not sit on the couch. and ask you to get my laptop
Unknown:all the time. And guys, that's why
Sirjana Singh:Yeah, it happens most of the time, because I'm so tired. But the fact that I am getting in that one song every day, and then being having a process, it's about leaving the, the music thing hooked in, because that's part of the process, like, I'm going to leave the music thing hooked in, before we sleep, because next morning, I'm going to dance. So there is no hindrance between me achieving my goal. And the goal is not losing X amount of weight. But to just dance every day on one song, which is so much more achievable.
Unknown:Well, it's about Yeah, creating that cardio as you dance, you're gonna feel better each day. Yeah. And then you might be in a mood to create, like a more hefty goal for yourself or not. But this brings us around to a very important point. And that is, at least for me being ADHD. One of my hardest things with goals is motivation. I've heard ADHD be described as, like, a motivation Deficit Disorder. And I mean, it's very true. And I think a lot of us out there, if you're counting yourself as creative, it probably rings true to you as well. Finding a way to motivate is quite important. Yes. So on that note, I was watching how to add really cool channel over on YouTube. Yep, yeah. And she had some amazing ways to kind of push your motivation and get out there just feel better about what you're doing and more keen on about what you're doing. So one of the first ones ways to do it was what you'd already said is to remove obstacles to your your goal, do you see go to bed already, having plugged in the sound system with you just had to read a press a button, and you're ready to go, right. So this is like an example of what you can do to remove an obstacle. Another one is to have say, like, if you don't want to vacuum the house, right motivation, that is real hard, she used the example of getting a robot vacuum, it's still gonna have to go and pick up everything off the low off the floor so that it can vacuum but the motivation, all of a sudden, there's an urgency there. You have to get up and do it. So that leads us the next one. urgency, you can create urgency, and that is really hard to do for somebody like myself. So ways you can do that. Okay, I hope Yeah, you can't.
Sirjana Singh:Because for me, the urgency is to just yeah, the urgency, I just feel it.
Unknown:I don't get it, there is a deadline where my ass is on the line. That's it,
Sirjana Singh:I just feel the urgency all the time on the other end of the spectrum.
Unknown:So one way that we can just say, is to get other people to help you out. So if you have somebody, like, for me, at least it's very hard for me to create a goal for myself without having some sort of responsibility for it. If I don't have the responsibility, if somebody else doesn't know that I'm doing it. I have nobody to make proud. Yeah, but myself, I'm terrible. I trample on myself, I'm not gonna do that thing. Because I don't have to spend that time making it do something else. It makes me happy. Like, I don't know, twiddling my thumbs, which is
Sirjana Singh:why we're sharing all of this with you. Yeah. And also, this is why I don't like prescriptive advices like to do it for yourself and not for others.
Unknown:No, that does not work.
Sirjana Singh:I don't like prescriptive advisors, like they don't work for everyone. Yeah, carry on, I would
Unknown:only work for myself if it was like so they say add is a motivational, lack of motivation. But it's also something, you can get hyper focus for ADHD. If you really love something, you won't let it go until you've done what you wanted to do. And everything else in the just gets by the wayside. Right. So in that sense, I could be left to my own devices, but would end up basically just with, I don't know, photos of like plants on the side of the road, what do I love taking photos? I would be out there every day perfecting my art, but to a degree where it doesn't matter to anybody but
Sirjana Singh:most very narrowly focused. Exactly, yeah, yeah. And after that, it stops giving you
Unknown:joy as well end up in an echo chamber of your own devising.
Sirjana Singh:Not only that, I've seen you get hyper focused on taking photos of light. And then you do it so often so much that you exhaust your passion enthusiasm for it, and then
Unknown:it just draws on the next, which has got nothing to do with anything. Yeah, but
Sirjana Singh:you have to live life as well. So I think for me as well, it also helps, even though I'm not on the spectrum, but I think for me, it also helps if I know who these goals are going to serve. So for you, it is about creating net, where people are there supporting yours and knowing about your goals so that they can remind you have those goals. Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown:I think if you have somebody that you feel you can make proud, I find for me at least that works really great. Like
Sirjana Singh:I need to know who my goals are serving outside of me. So for me, it makes me more diligent if my goals are going to affect more than just me.
Unknown:Yeah, so like, yeah, so you get it. Don't try and make me proud. Yeah.
Sirjana Singh:It's just I think it's more it's a different verbiage. It's not about making you proud. It's about saying that these goals have a bigger meaning or a bigger purpose outside of me, right? It's like in the first episode of defining creativity, we discussed how Eastern philosophers said that it's a creative pursuit, if it affects, or it has consequences outside of yourselves like it has to be solving problems, that cannot be an act of pure pleasure, I guess. And that was one school of thought. I mean, that's not my definition of creativity. But it definitely is my motivator of achieving goals.
Unknown:It is nice to think that what you're doing as creative is benefiting other people. Oh, that's really nice. But you're right. There's only one definition, it could definitely go the other way.
Sirjana Singh:Do you have more to add on this?
Unknown:I think one of the other tips, tips, tricks, tricks, tips, shortcuts, one of the other life hacks is breaking it down into smaller chunks. So we discussed that with your systems. I think that's really important. Yeah, something that's manageable. It's important that you take the time to set long term goals and short term goals. And take that time to check in, make sure that you're on the path you want to be on. And if it's looking untenable, make sure that you adjust your goals to be realistic, because like we said, all those those goals are achieved once the wrapping paper on the floor the next day, that is stressful. It's so stressful, so stressful, to not achieve something that you set out to achieve. And you can't hold it against yourself. Many, many times. There's so many times life gets in the way. Yes. And you have to be ready to adjust for that. So I think that's a super important thing to remember. You can't just say, Look, guys, I want to be the best Mario kart racer on planet earth.
Sirjana Singh:Well, then you're not but yes,
Unknown:when you've got. You're getting better. I'll
Sirjana Singh:give you that. Oh, well, you are being smashed every night. Yes, OneAmerica.
Unknown:We now play me on all the other ones. And we'll see how we go.
Sirjana Singh:Fine. If you want to lose and other ones as well. Your point was,
Unknown:we were going with this, if you wanted to be the best Mario kart racer in the world, but you had a young child, and you had to look after him. And he was having sleep issues. And you weren't getting a lot of sleep. Yeah. And then you had to run your household. And then you had to pack your house and move.
Sirjana Singh:And you have to run a business. Yeah. Oh,
Unknown:it's something you have to consider before you become the best Marionette player in the world. I mean, awesome, it'd be great to do that. And it's probably not that hard. They say, what 1000 hours, bam. But
Sirjana Singh:uh, some somebody that just naturally good at it like me. So the point we are trying to make here is figuring out what goals you're going to make have to be based on your lifestyle has to be based on your personality, rather than just some lofty goals up in the air or goals, and inspired by other people that you see, these goals have to be personal. That's
Unknown:right, because you want to have motivation. If they're not something, you know, if you're saying, Okay, I want to do like everybody else. Yeah, read three hours a day. It's not going to happen, is it?
Sirjana Singh:Yeah. And it's going to demotivate you three hours. Yeah. And buy in, you will see you will have that media crisis. He will start then, because the goals were made based on other people, then by the middle of the year, you are also judging yourself based on other people
Unknown:not keeping up with the perceived Joneses. Exactly.
Sirjana Singh:So these are personal goals for a reason. Make goals that fit your lifestyle and your personality, your sleep cycles. You know, so many things that you need to consider before you make these goals. So first things first making goals that are personal to you and suit your personality. Second is to write them down. Where you can see them super
Unknown:important. A whole sheet guys, yeah, you need that goal. And then you need the system of how you're going to get to that goal. And you have to have a little bit of room there. So you can change it. So maybe do a digitally printed though. Yes, you need to see it every day. 101 100 down, no, somewhere on your laptop.
Sirjana Singh:No, you don't want to do that. Or on your phone where when you open it, you're suddenly distracted by Instagram or YouTube or whatever your poison is. And then you never get to that those goals. So we really suggest printing them out. It has helped us in past whenever we have printed them out or we have been Airbnb long enough to have it out where we can see them. So this is something we're going to do. But this year, the thing that we have learned that we discussed before is to have a flow chart under it to make sure we have a system in place that will help us achieve that goal. So rather than saying I'm going to lose five kilos, it is about having my bra hanging outside my bedroom. So when I walk out, I see it. I wear it and I'm already ready to jump and dance.
Unknown:You mean just inside the closet, right? Well,
Sirjana Singh:I can we're outside
Unknown:Do you leave it in the backyard?
Sirjana Singh:No outside the bedroom I set outside the bedroom, I walk out MSC it okay, you know and you like exercise exercise, go back inside and change and do that get
Unknown:that's removing a physical obstacle which helps with motivation.
Sirjana Singh:Absolutely. It used to be I bought that bra and I kept it in our walk in wardrobe. And then there was some days when I didn't even walk in that walk in wardrobe. I just had to start the day as it was. Because emergencies. But now that it's hanging outside, I see it as a physical reminder. And the obstacle is gone. I see it and I'm like, Okay, I'll just pick this up, change into it. And I'm ready.
Unknown:You go downstairs and you've got your your music wall plugged into the Bluetooth system. You just press play and bam, yeah, pick up my bunker. Yeah, this thing in the morning.
Sirjana Singh:But Tina, right, good. Yeah. So rather than, you know, constantly think about Oh, my God, have I lost that much kilo, that many kilos that I wanted to lose? It's all about have I done what I could have done that day? Have I given it my 100%? You know, which is amazing, because I'm measuring my goals based on my lifestyle, and not based on what other people are doing in their lives. So that's number two. And number three, was having, like you said, a gold sponsor?
Unknown:Yeah. Yeah, it's
Sirjana Singh:a good way to put it. So having somebody like you said, Who can cheer you support you and gently remind you, or in my case, it is writing your goals to see who else? Does it affect outside yourself? Yeah, so then that is an extra padding in case you feel like giving it a middle finger and walking away? You're just reminded No, no, this is you are not an island,
Unknown:I just want to jump in here with one more little part. It's a nicely here. And that is that you want to keep keep things novel, I find that as an add on, if something is monotonous. Like far out, it takes like two days of eating the same breakfast before I'm bored of it. Now I need something else. So I like to keep things novel. Yeah, my my desktop on my computer has changed like every couple of days, because it's just I can't keep looking at that. Even if it's a beautiful photo, you know, it's the same thing with goals, you want to be able to work them so that they're fun. You need to have that motivation there. And if you don't have motivation for it's never gonna happen doesn't matter how much you want it to happen if you can't force yourself to get up and do something. Or if somebody's telling you, your sponsor telling you that you need to do it, go and do this, you haven't done this in a few days, doesn't affect you, then you really not going to get to where you need to be.
Sirjana Singh:Absolutely. And one of the things, I mean, I'm just going to bring that example that you used during the lockdown when it all started that we said we're going to eat healthy every day. And we got bored of eating eggs every day. Oh my gosh, you we wanted protein first thing in the morning. So we started thinking about we are today going to make Mexican eggs and put on some Mexican Cafe Music and dance around and we made it feel like we were travelling. And then we did that for multiple different countries. It was amazing. Getting to know these recipes, reading a bit about where these recipes came from and then finding music to play. Okay, so now we had that part of the podcast where we promised that we are going to share our personal goals to give you guys some insight into our lives. Also give you some motivation. And some ideas. Inspiration. Yeah, yeah,
Unknown:hopefully we can be those that elusive urban myth that we were discussing.
Sirjana Singh:Okay, so number one goal. And I have to say here when we were writing our goals, the first two goals were
Unknown:to go. Yeah, we both have the same need. Yeah.
Sirjana Singh:So the first two goals are exactly the same. So I'm going to wrap them wrap them. I'm going to wrap them I'm going to
Unknown:align them the short short version.
Sirjana Singh:Yeah. And then we can say our third goal ourselves. Okay. Sure. So the first one is fitness. And that is for a couple's for a health and for Mahi and our process for that is going out for walks with Mahi after every meal. Dancing with Mahi on one song every day and while I dance, you're going to be packing heavy gear for this home. Yeah, unpacking and packing so you will be getting in a lot of heavy lifting. You're
Unknown:gonna have to start doing something a little different once we've moved. That's what we're talking about changing goals as we move along. Absolutely. So
Sirjana Singh:for the month of January, I think you will get in your weightlifting through just packing a lot of stuff.
Unknown:I've spent the last month packing just the shed and it's slowly getting there.
Sirjana Singh:Yeah, now all the big stuff, your rush all big stuff is waiting so you will be getting your weightlifting there. Our second goal is organisation and that is for peace of mind for less procrastination and for more Time Okay,
Unknown:so when we say organisation, is there a particular like, where do we draw the line there. So organisation is in monkeys toys, no symbolising the back end of our care. So organisation
Sirjana Singh:is a lofty word and one of the episodes in next season is going to be about creativity and organisation just
Unknown:pointed out to say that this guy's this is your goal title should probably be a little more than just organizationally,
Sirjana Singh:which is why we have outlined the process for us in the month of January, which is printing to four books in January, which means we would have organised a big chunk of our own little photo. Yay. Oh
Ben Lane:my god, guys.
Unknown:Oh, yay, it makes me feel so good.
Sirjana Singh:Every time I say that,
Unknown:we know where those are you personal photos? Oh my gosh, guys,
Sirjana Singh:you have to know that every time I have mentioned that over the last seven days. Ben's reaction has been the same Oh, yeah,
Unknown:personal writing, and I can't wait to see them all.
Sirjana Singh:Um, the second process under organisation for us is to organise photos and hard drives every Thursday. So now because this is such a huge task, it's over 20 hard drives. Rather than saying we're going to just organise XY and Z hard drives we have outlined a day in our schedule, which is going to be cleared out just doing organisation. Cool, because we know why that is important for the peace of mind for less procrastination, because when we know where things are we procrastinate less, and for more time, and that more time is that bonus time we get to spend with our beautiful son. Yeah, so that is our motivation.
Unknown:So I have one thing to discuss really quickly here. And that is we're taking the whole Thursday. Yes. So we are not earmarking any time for emails. No. Okay. Okay. So what I want, I just want to point it out guys that we will be doing that. Yeah. When we say editing or any other technique that day. So there's usual tasks that we do in a day, we're going to be brushing our teeth still. Okay. Just Just remember when you're setting a goal to be thorough about what I'm trying to get across? Yes, no, you're right. You have to have that system needs to be like, Okay, we're working on it from 8am. After we've had our breakfast through till 12. That is a solid chunk. You're like a break? We'll do that walking with Mahi. And then we'll be back at it for another three hours.
Sirjana Singh:Absolutely. Right. And when Ben mentioned that, before, I actually got very irritated by it. Because I was like, Come on, we know this much. But you're right. When Thursday comes, you do not want any obstacle in between you and achieving that goal. And one of the obstacles that day, if you hadn't outlined all of this could be you have to think, What can I do and what I can't do today. And if that is already outlined, bingo, you already know emails have to be answered. Breakfast has to be had. And then I said to organise my files, I still go for walks. after every meal time, I still do a dance. The only thing I am putting away is everything I did during my office hours from say 1030 not say 1030. We know from 1030 till late because there is a blurred line between personal life and business life.
Unknown:So we know we're talking about personal goals here. But this goal in particular is actually a team call. And having a written down means that we can hold each other accountable to we have a rule of law. Do you know if one of us is like ah, but today, we could just be swimming in the pool. There's a line we can go and grab this document and be like, Look at this. This is the day to day. I'm sorry, it's sunny outside. So does that ever happen? God I want to go swimming in the pool with time. I am the one dragging you back. I'm fully I'm just gonna just get out there. And
Sirjana Singh:I'm like, when when do I say no, no
Unknown:putting you on the spot here. I'm just speaking from personal experience.
Sirjana Singh:But you know, absolutely. And we didn't mean it to mean meant for it to be a team goal. When we started we were writing our three goals. It just so happened that they aligned so perfectly so
Unknown:great. A myth topped up there. Yep.
Sirjana Singh:Okay. So the third goal is the one that we have different. And for ourselves. What is your third goal?
Unknown:My goal was to find out more about ADHD this year. Okay. So now again, it's a very lofty goal. I want to quantify it. So I'm going to be doing 20 minutes a day. I'm going to earmark that we'll find a spot for it says days might be trickier. No, not on Thursdays. Not on Thursday. 20 minutes. Most days. Yeah, we won't have six days a week. So six days a week. I'm going to spend 20 minutes now it's not just going to be reading. I want to keep up my motivation for this. So there's some there's TED Talks. There's a bunch of videos on YouTube actually. There's also some great reading to be head. Yeah. And there's great The Great Courses Plus which have just rebranded and I can't remember the new name, but I think maybe there's some good stuff on there as well.
Sirjana Singh:But one of the things you had written down in your process for ADHD there, and you don't have your notes in front of you was that you mentioned that every Saturday, you're going to put in practice what you had learned, and then see which one actually work for you. And so by the end of January, you will have four things that you can actively say they work or don't work. Yeah. And even if they don't work, then you at least know these things don't work. And you can clear that clutter or burden of having to do them. Exactly, yeah. So I just, I thought I should mention it, because I really loved that goal that you had a process that you had under your goal. Okay, so for me, the third goal is having unfettered creativity. It's for our couples, and for us and my hearts, again, a lofty goal again, so my process for that in the month of January is to drop is to draw every day, six days a week, for 30 minutes without any agenda, right. So it's not to put online, I can or cannot put it online. But that's not the goal of this 30 minute time, it is to just draw my emotions out. And I am so excited to do that I have felt over the last year, navigating businesses during tough financial time that it felt that I was commoditizing. Creativity.
Unknown:Yeah, every time you would sit down with your iPad or with your paints,
Sirjana Singh:I would say well, the cell Yeah. Will somebody buy it? Yeah. And then it just created this just body of work that I didn't feel like sharing. So in the end, I didn't even get to share it. Nor did I enjoy it. So I'm just going to go back into myself and draw what I feel. And this would be 30 minutes, it could be just making my art better. Or it could just be drawing what's bothering me, etc. So I'm really excited about this process.
Unknown:Goal, I think, yeah, it's gonna help you find your, your unique style.
Sirjana Singh:Or maybe it won't say there's no agenda. So no agenda
Unknown:so far. You're amazing. You spend auto van go through to
Sirjana Singh:the style wise. Not capability wise, but yes. So in the end, let's just wrap it up now, because it's a special episode. Oh my gosh,
Ben Lane:go back to your holiday. Yeah, I
Sirjana Singh:know. Are you doing I am listening to this podcast. So what we're going to do is we're going to outline four steps. If you are going to fast forward this episode and you just listen.
Unknown:Just hear you ask him skip right through the the four steps bam, go
Sirjana Singh:write a goal that fits into your lifestyle. And write down what is the name of your overarching goal for us, it was organisation fitness, for me unfettered creativity. And for you, it was learning more about add. So writing that overarching goal is not bad. Write it down. Because each month you're going to create a different flowchart a different process for yourself to achieve that said, Absolutely. And having different process goals every month is going to make the experience novel. It's going to make it exciting and not make it feel like you're doing the same thing over and over again. Step two, think about what actionable steps you can take the first month week to ease into that goal. So yes, it's an overarching goal. It's a big goal. But writing an actionable step which is what we talked when we talked about systems our process goals is going to help make that big overarching goal less of the glass sitting and making you feel anxious.
Unknown:You want little achievable motivational goals. Yeah, blue ones they want to do. Yeah. Oh, cute ones.
Sirjana Singh:q1. Okay. Oh, yeah. Do me do me.
Unknown:How about badass goals? Dude, badass go. Yeah. Okay.
Sirjana Singh:Number three, ponder over who outside of you will also benefit from this goal as added motivation? Or have a gold sponsor? Yeah, as an added motivation. You can let us know on our Instagram channel, the creative myth. If you have another way to add motivation to your goals. We would love to let all the other listeners know about it because that will be amazing. So DMS or just answer under the post where we posted this topic anyways. Get involved. And last, be on your merry way. Enjoy your holidays, you guys. The next year is starting very soon. It's going to be full of fun. Creativity, motivation, growth, at least from our end, we will be giving you a big push and lots of love.
Unknown:Yeah. Psyche thought it was for the new
Ben Lane:it was just three guys. Fourth one is get
Unknown:out of here. Guys. merry holiday season. Yeah. Happy New Year. Yep.
Sirjana Singh:Yeah. And we will see see you Very shortly
Unknown:very shortly with Season Two of the creative myth yep brought to you by us